Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why you should give Linux a try

Ever since I heard about linux. I love the concept and ideology . Since then I am using it, started from RedHat. But it seems like redhat didn't liked my system it hanged often then I moved to fedora but still I didn't get the stability then somebody told me about Ubuntu. Since then I used 9.04,9.10,10.04. And still I love the ubuntu/debian/mint. My search for stable/fine linux ended when I moved to Linux Mint. But the thing is when you use linux there is always a learning curve . It was made by geek for the geek. But now it can be as useful as MS OSes. If you are very new to Linux mint and Ubuntu are good distros to start with . Once you get to know Linux it will be more fun day by day . Earlier I was not a big fan of Linux but once I learned something about it, I use windows for only windows specific tasks.
You should give a try to LINUX because as you always try to explore new brands of same thing to see whether it is different or not. Linux is very different to windows this is why you should give a try to see how and why it is different...
There is good blog to read why linux is not windows

For those who are very new or going to be the first time user of Linux you should try Linux Mint

Friday, July 22, 2011

How to keep healthy your MS windows for long time

To secure your windows do these steps--

1.Keep a Linux distro whether Live or Installed to save your windows. A Linux system is free from window viruses so before inserting a Pendrive into windows insert into the linux system and copy,cut and paste only the desired file or folder. In most of the cases you can easily see viruses in a Pen Drive like autorun.inf kinda stuff.It also helps in rescue or repair of windows.

2. If you are die hard internet surfer then I recommend a virtual setup for net surfing. Means if you go lots of unrecognized sites then they can put you in danger. In that case install virtualbox or vmware workstation then put your new copy of windows in it. Then surf net in it .
If any wrong happens you will have nothing to fear about. Just delete that virtual windows. Make sure your you keep a copy of that virtual drive before any wrong happens{Just needed one time}. If you want this virtual OS to be more secure/stable then install linux in it to browse the net while surfing the unsafe contents [u know what i mean]. Linux mint is recommended as it has all codecs preinstalled to browse or play the contents like flash ...

3. Try to avoid using administrator account. For any administrative task create an account with different name with admin power. Create a limited account for normal and day-to-day usage.
4. Keep a windows maintenance software         ( Advanced System Care/Ccleaner recommonded )

5. Keep windows Autoplay off ( Reference is here )

6. Keep a privacy software like Spybot search and destroy. It also detects the registry changes.

7. Try to avoid using Internet Explorer as its very much integrated with windows. Chrome or mozilla is recommended

8. Keep a firewall { Zone Alarm recommended }

9. Keep your windows update

10. Keep your windows antivirus update ( Mcafee and Bitdefender recommended)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Optimize javascript from google labs

Google lab has a Javascript optimizer named as Closure tool....
I used this tool and find its pretty simple and efficient to do its job.
For more reading further go to and try its API .......
Every web developer should try this out....
This tool is saves a lot of space to load the pages much faster
if your website heavily runs on Javascript or ajax then it will be a wonderful tool to
reduce the size of code by removing extra spaces, newlines etc..
Comment any tool if you know....

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Using gcc for newComer

GCC is one if the best compiler for C language . It has regualar upadates and patches .
GCC can be found preinstalled in almost all LINUX distros.
GCC can be installed on windows as standalone and also through Cygwin..
How to use GCC.
let you have a source code file named source.c and you want executable to be named as outpt then
the command will be
gcc -o outpt source.c
this will compile source.c and will create a exectuable as outpt
to see the output the command will be

for more details use the man page
man gcc
Those who are moving from TurboC to GCC remember the following:-
1. Its a gcc compiler please take care of it{please come out of Turbo C}
2. Don't try to include "conio.h" and "dos.h"
3. Don't write void main().....only main() or int main() will work
4. The executable generated will work only in Linux{any distro}
5. Don't write getch()
6. For textual support from book use the book from K & R {The C programming language}

Notes for C++ :::
1. Its a g++ compiler
2. Don't try to write "#include < iostream.h > instead write these two lines:::
#include< iostream>
using namespace std;
3. Don't write void main ...
only int main() will work and then u have to write "return 0 ; " in main's body

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

getting deeper into chrome extensions

1. Extracting image from chrome theme: If u like any chrome extension's background ..go to chrome directory in windows

{Windows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Default\Extensions\yourextension}

{Windows 7:%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Default\Extensions\yourextension}


then open the extension you will find images inside the extension....

2. Saving flash video without any extension: We usually want to save some videos but generally go for a software or extension to do it but google chrome saves that video in its cache without any extension like .flv or .mp4 . So u have to try playing the file from cache. Linux reads it well in windows you find some difficulties..
the location in linux is ::
~/.cache/chromium/Default/Cache same for the google chrome replace chromium by google chrome...

in windows search by yourself{sorry}

3. About Pages: The about page of chrome redirect you to its internals. Beware editing any settings. Do only if know what you are doing. Editing may affect  system stability. To open about pages type this in new tab ---[[[about:about]]]..below is the sample screenshot..

The interesting page is about:flags   which shows experimental features of chrome or its extension.
Open and explore. Here is the sample screenshot.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Some useful functionalities absent in Windows as compare to GNOME {LINUX}

1. Putting a window at the top of another windows: - During my use of various things I found this facility very much useful means keeping an eye on an application while doing stuffs on other application. {eg. surfing net while wathching a movie}

2. More than one Desktop: This is what a person like me always wanted from MS. I used to open several apps during the use and finally what I get is cluttered desktop. In linux the I move less frequent used apps to the other desktop .

3. Third PARTY softwares:- So there is need of some softwares which are not installed like- PDF reader.
In current scenario almost everybody needs a PDFreader so why not it should be preinstalled ???

4. Active mouse Scrolling: This is what I like to call . In MS windows you have to click
on a window or app to make it active for scrolling up or down. Where as in linux it need only pointer to be over that app/window to make mouse scroll work..

5. ISO image support: By default window doesn't have ISO image support . Means you cannot open an ISO image in windows. You finally end up with installing softwares like daemon tool, magic iso/disc, Alcohol etc...I truelly love linux for this support either burning or opening..

to be continued....

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of WUBI

For me this is something new that you can install a whole operating system under another operating system considering it as a native application. You can install or uninstall it anytime without worry as it almost removes chances of anykind of data loss.

Advantages of WUBI{Windows-based UBuntu Installer}
1. Wubi doesn't need a separate partition rather it install in existing drive's free space
2. You have minimum{negligible} risk of any data loss
3. WUBI doesn't override window's boot menu .
4. Good backup or restoration i.e. wubi creates a single file for it's / {root} partition, this file is saved as root.disk. To save this file go to directory where ubuntu is installed ..Search for root.disk.This is your whole / {root} partition.. keep this for future failures or restoration.... you can copy this whole file to any folder and replacing it will restore all your / partition at any time...

Disadvantages of WUBI
1. If you have large sized root.disk then it is hard to make a copy
2. Hibernation is not supported
3. File system is more vulnerable to hard reboots
4. If the Windows drive is unmounted uncleanly (most commonly because of a Windows crash and force shutdown), Ubuntu will not be able to mount the Windows drive and boot until Windows has successfully booted and shut down. If the Windows system cannot be booted after the crash, the user also cannot boot Ubuntu.
5. Performance related to hard-disk access is also slightly slower, more so if the disk image file is fragmented as it is a frequent problem in windows.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Problem with Emerald

This might be not for everyone but is definitely for someone...
When you activate emerald for the window decoration then you find your emerald missing sometimes after login ..
Here is the solution::::::::
press ALT+F2 (means run the dailog)..
then write the following command
emerald --replace
Now you must have your emerald running properly
{Enjoy} ....