Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Searching beyond Google Search

We all are Google lovers.. Aren't we ??? Google search is definitely the best search working on best algorithm to give you much relevant and I think it is the fastest search also. But as we know every good thing comes with some curse. Google is  also not an exception.
Below  is the site to give you more inside story of Google Search...

Many  solutions are  given in the above site.
My favourite one is . This is a very good search engine solving various problems.
It doesn't show results based on personal information.
I felt the same that from my browser my own website ranking is higher than any of my  friend's browser...
This is what and how google keeps everybody happy....

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Linux Mint 12 {dubbed LISA} Released [ softpedia maked a mistake ]

For technical news I prefer to go to and find it relevant and true to anything..But when I visited it on 23 Nov it was displaying there that Linux Mint 12 has been finally released . Then I visited the and there was no sign of Mint 12 other than its RC.
Here is the sofpedia Link..see the original posted date..

But Linux Mint 12 has finally arrived today ...
So go and Grab your copy... prefer torrent to Download it..This will ensure high speed as mirrors are overloaded even Linuxmint site is hard to open as I am writing Now...
Download Linux Mint 12 from here

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Linux Mint 12 {dubbed LISA} RC Review

      Linux Mint was the first distro for which "Love at first sight" holds true. I started from Mint 8,then still sticking with Mint 9 because of LTS.
      Mint 10 and 11 has not been much different in terms of looks from 9.So I stick  with 9 with my own customization.  One of the reason to not trying out Ubuntu 10.10 or 11.04 or mint 10 and Mint 11 was the there were several issues going on Like Gnome 3 vs Gnome 2 vs ububtu unity.So I preferred trying  them in VM.
     I like the way Gnome 3 is going. So far Gnome 3.2 is a nice experience. So I finally motivated to give Linux Mint 12 a serious try. After reading this preview blog my motivation increased  two fold.  Here is the link ...
Although its a RC but its looking nice. I tried it in a Virtual Box only Live Mode...

It contains following packages worth mentioning....
*synaptic{not removed}
*mozilla firefox 7.0.1 {with no google search by default- comes with "duck duck go"}
*Advance System Settings{mac like}
* LibreOffice 3.4.3
* By default no fortune

below is the ScreenShot Tour

1. Default Desktop Look and Feel with hardware acceleration enabled to run Gnome3

2. Gnome 3 activated

3. Gnome 3 All application Render

4. Mint Menu Gnome 2 style in Gnome 3..All thanks to Mint development Team

5. Fallback mode{if hardware is not accelerated }

6. No Google Search in toolbar{Duck Duck is not bad}

7. Resolution options{Good one I always wanted something Like That}

8. A visible gconf-editor

Hope you like the screenshots..

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Handling large failed file download in mozilla firefox

Note : this article may or may not work depending upon your luck and server's configuration.
Here we go...

If you have a failed download then you must have a file named failedfile.part in mozilla download folder.
1. Copy this file somewhere . Means it should not be in download folder.
2. Restart your failed download , it will start downloading from begining , don't worry.
After downloading around 500 kb or untill a .part file appears in your download directory
3. pause the download.
4.Then replace the new .part file by the old .part file then resume your download .

This should work but this method is not guaranteed I will take no claim of loss. Use any good download manager to avoid such situations. But download manager can't download all files :-remember this fact. If you want such example comment below.
In windows .part file may be hidden take care of this as well as windows.

This situation works{supposed to} where resuming your firefox download gives error "contact server's administrator"

How to use Mc Donald efficiently

This article is for downloaders who want to download around 300 mb in 10 min. Mc Donald provides around 4mbps for 10 min, with such speed you can easily download around 300 MB. So pause your downloads at home and resume at Mc Donald. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

The root causes of India's all problem

The title is itself not satisfactory to everyone. The whole article is just my thought , correct me if you find something opposite. If you thought this article gonna very long, you are wrong . I am gonna cut it short above your expectation. Here we go ..

1. Population density :
This is major reason behind all problems in india. Here world's 17% population live on world's 7% land. You can calculate easily why every bus, train ,metro is always full imagine what would happen if it was 1/4 of current population.there WILL be no rush in jobs or any thing. India's 40-50 % population will be rich. If people were rich there are few chances of corruption no worries at all.

2. Mentality :
 I don't need to explain it much as you are pretty much aware of it. The first point and the second point are very much dependent on each other. In Bhagwat Geeta it is said that don't go after maya and physical collection and we are doing the opposite. We have set the priority of family above the nation. This is why everybody seems to be in trouble either he created it himself or somebody else .

 If you need  extra explanation comment below