Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lock your Gnome Screen or Desktop from Linux Terminal or Command Line

There may be cases when you don't want to click some buttons to lock your screen .
Then there is command for you to do so and it is fairly simple..

gnome-screensaver-command -l

-l will activate your lock screen ,
-t will activate your screen saver after the time you specify

Monday, September 24, 2012

Access internet using phone { Nokia } through Bluetooth in Linux

If your phone supports PC internet connectivity through  bluetooth then chances are high that you can connect your phone to your Linux PC through bluetooth and enjoy the net surfing without installing any addition application.
There are several posts when Nokia users want Nokia PC suite for Linux to just connect to Linux PC for ineternet.
Connecting through data cable is fairly simple , just connect with Nokia PC Suite Mode and choose your carrier in the setttings....
Below are the screenshots to see how can we configure to connect a Nokia Phone to PC for internet via bluetooth . Click on bluetooth icon on your bar and select Set up a New Device...

Now check the second one Access the internet using your mobile phone

Now just go to your network icon and select Idea Cellular default{In my case} yours may be other network providers..


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Screen / Desktop Recording in Gnome 3 { Linux } or above

There is always a great demand of a good screen recorder in Linux from a long time , so Gnome 3 included in as a inbuilt app without much hype . It is pretty simple app . You press the required buttons and it starts recording {as simple as that }.
The  shortcut to launch the Screen Recorder is Control+Shift+Alt+R.
The shortcut remain the same to stop the recording.
The recorded file goes into the home folder and it is named as shell-date-n.webm
The benefit of webm file is - that you can play this file in any modern browser.

See the Gnome 3 Screen Recorder in action below{Right below corner -The red dot}

This is tested on Linux mint 12 . Hopefully it should work on all distro that includes Gnome 3 like-
Ubuntu 12.04, Linux Mint 13, Open Suse 12.2 ...etc

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Google search box now supports handwriting for touch screens

This may be useful for certain situations like hating your touch keyboard....
To enable this service go to Google.com on your touch device,open settings in the page (find it somewhere around bottom)  and enable handwrite ..(that's it ) and save it ...

Go back to Google.com and u can see a bar below the google page if not try reloading the page ..

Comments are welcome ...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Optimzed C program for prime number checking

void main(){
int i,j;
int n ;
if(n%2==0 && n!=2){
printf(" %d is not prime and is divisible by  2 ",n);
printf(" %d is  divisible by  %d \n",n,i);
printf("the number is not prime\n");
printf("the number is  prime\n");

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Setting OEL {oracle enterprise license} public yum repository

Its fairly easy to install the public yum repo on OEL either 4,5 or 6 ...Follow these steps::

1. switch to root priviledge {either do sudo or su or su -}
2. cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
3. wget  http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-el5.repo
4. yum update

Note:: Take care of 3rd line if you are using OEL6 then replace 5 with 6

Saturday, May 19, 2012

google easter egg- Tilt

This one gives the exact expected result ...When you search "tilt"  on google it displays search with a tilted page.....{Search tilt without "")
See below...{click on image to expand}

Friday, May 18, 2012

Linux Mint 13 dubbed - Maya 9 (Mate) RC review and screenshots

They have kept it alive{I am talking about Gnome 2}.The Mate version feels just like your old-trusted-used to gnome-2 .....Virtually no difference thanks to Linux mint Team and Mate Team{http://mate-desktop.org/}...
Here are the screenshots for you...
1. Welcome Screen

2. Menu {Traditional Mint Style}

3. Caja {Replacement of Nautilus}

4. Eye of Mate {Same as eye of Gnome}

5. Pluma{Gedit replacement}

Rest of the packages are almost same as Cinnamon edition... see {http://rahulkumar07.blogspot.in/2012/05/linux-mint-maya-rc-review-and.html}

Download from the site ...

Choose torrent option...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Linux Mint 13 dubbed - Maya {cinnamon} RC review and screenshots

Mint is my favourite distribution since I came across it{It was mint 8 then}.
Then I tried ubuntu 9.04,ubuntu 9.10,ubuntu 10.04 and I  satisfied more than fedora 8 and 9. Then I tried mint 9 and then there is  no coming back. I find Mint 9 very smooth. It has been past two years and I am still sticking with Mint 9 {have 32 and 64 installed side by side}. And I have no issue whatsoever with these 2 versions of mint. Due to several issues going in parallel like Gnome3,Gnome2,Unity I made my mind that I will switch to LTS either Ubuntu or Mint which suits me best. I tried Ubuntu 12.04  last week and find unity not so bad- you just  need some to time to get used to it..{same in the case for Gnome3}. Since then I was waiting for Mint 13 so called { Maya }. Then I see the mint blog about  Mint 13 RC release . Then I downloaded it without waiting anymore{I saw two versions and finally settle to download Mint 13 cinnamon version}. Below is the some keypoints....
Welcome screen ....more finished Icons....
uname -a details
Things to Note:::
1. Linux Kernel-
2. vlc ,banshee player
3. Yahoo by default in  search box in Firefox
4. Libre Office 
5. Gnome 2 like feel see below screenshots

Final words- Still have to try Mate version{Next review will be Mint 13 Maya Mate version}. This version is mate is although RC but It runs very fine through out review in my VMware and I adjusted its Resolution manually to 1360*768 and it worked fine...

For those who can't live without Gnome2 menu feel --Mint 13 Maya Cinnamon is for you.......

Download from the site ...

Choose torrent option...

Don't afraid using Torrent - Use Torrent legally

Many of us don't know the real use of so called "Torrent". Torrent is actually a P2P{Peer to Peer} file sharing functionality. It has been wrongly used to download illegal stuffs{you know what I mean}from a long time. But its basic idea was to remove the dependency from a single point{so called server}. A single file can be downloaded from hundreds of people having the same file. The use of torrent have multiple benefits during a file download....

1. Heavily reduces the server traffic{load} to download the large files. simple example- http://fedoraproject.org/en/get-fedora-all
the site contain three options ....a. Torrent {Almost zero dependency on the site } b. direct download {server has to be always live to get the ISO downloaded....worst option from  a server point of view..} c. metalink {almost provides same functionality as torrent ...client remains the same like utorrent}...

2. Faster download speeds...{Usually every server has a download speed cut-off may ...Usually its under 2 MBPS...but with torrent there is no limit, you can download a file  with any speed ...depends how many seeders are there for the file...

3. Good Pause(Resume) support - Every torrent client has support to pause/resume the download at any time. Direct download sometimes fails to do that..

So the bottoms line is - Whenever you go for a large download , search for torrent option if present use definitely ...Usually all open source project provides torrent link on their official site...{This is what the real use of torrent}
Here is my kget and Transmission screenshots..

Transmission torrent download

Saturday, May 12, 2012

happy mother's day Google Doodle

This is what GOOGLE used to do...{To dedicate home page to latest event} and for everybody Mother's Day can be a greatest day of the year......
Happy Mother's Day from me too......Love you Mom always...

1. Probably son and daughter coming to their mom..
2. Mom with both Children

 3. Final render of google home page

Teacher Student Jokes / SMS


StudNt-Mota marta moti pe,

Bhukha marta roti pe,

Master ji ki hai do beti par

mai marta hu chhoti pe :P

Master shokd, Studnt rockd 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Today's 6th May 2012 Google Easter Egg - Zerg Rush

Every One loves Google's Easter Eggs...And today we{I too} found another Easter Egg {although it said be started on friday}. It comes when you search "zerg rush" in google search box then wait for some moment and you will find something happening like this..
1. Initial look...

2. Transition Phase
3. Final looks..

Here is the link of another easter eggs...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Normal formal jokes part - 4

  1 .
In a bar:
1 Guy says to another - "I kissed your mom last night"
Whole bar was waiting for the other Guy's response !!
He laughs and says
Lets go home dad,
U are drunk now :)
Mai kabhi batlata nahi,
Bar' me daily jata hu mein Maa
yu to me dikhlata nhi,
'Daru' pee ke roz aata hu me maa
Tujhe sab hai pataaaa, hai na maa
Meri maa..
'Theke' par yu na chhodo mujhe,
Ghar lout ke bhi aa na paau maa
'Scotch' me itna peeta nahi,
'Beer' me seham jata hu me maa.
Chehre pe aane deta nahi,
Lekin kbhi bhi ludak jata hu me maa..
Tujhe sab hai pataaaa, hai na maa?
From the movie : "Bewde zameen Par" :P :D
3. Aurangjeb: Senapati batao ki ham shivaji ko kyun nahi dhundh pa rahe hai.....???
Senapati: kyunki Sehenshahhh hum Mugal hai Google nahi..... :D

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Using Mobile's Hotspot as Wifi-modem or DHCP server

I may be little late to share this or may be this is not a new stuff for you. But it's better late than never.
If you have a smartphone with hotspot or any wifi-hotspot software in a laptop. Then you can connect several wifi devices to your HotSpot. This  will create a network of devices and you can easily do your networking stuffs between those devices. Let me set a example of my condition :::
I have a laptop running a local server{website} but it doesn't have a DHCP server so its hard for me to run my local website on other's computer because the other computer/Mobile  may have different OS like symbian/Android/iOS/Linux/Windows.  So what I do is turn on my device's hotspot and connect that Laptop to it which contains the local website. And connect other device to hotspot to check my website's performance on other platforms...
from my android device

This hotspot can be used for following purposes::
1. Networking between incompatible devices.
2. Hacking practice
3. Browser testing 
4. Platform Testing

Saturday, February 18, 2012

updating linux / mint / ubuntu / debian offline

If you are a linux promoter then you get situations where you want to update your friend's system quickly.
Then there is a workaround for you. Follow these steps::

1. copy your updates from any system{updated system} the files are located in /var/cache/apt/archive 
as .deb packages
2. Open any folder as administrator
3. Then copy all update to the folder /var/cache/apt/archive
now update your system as usual..
This may save your 30-40 min depends upon number of updates......

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Opening PDF where you left {Read it Last Time}

Most of the time you want to reopen the pdf file where you read it last time in case you are a regular pdf book reader. By default Adobe Reader starts from the start but you can easily change this option.

Go to Adobe Reader's menu---
edit  >>preferences(ctrl + k ) >>Categories >documents>>check the unchecked one - restore last view settings when reopening documents

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Introduction to Command Line Facebook [ fbcmd ]

I recently came across this cool thing. How many of you even thought of updating your status from a command line. This seems to be a good thing.
Benefits of the fbcmd::::
1. fool other by showing them working on cmd/CLI {while you actually do facebooking}
2. you can actually save bandwidth{as it won't show any pics/ads}
3. Its Open Source
4. try evading firewalls

Here are the Links for you
official Site-                      http://fbcmd.dtompkins.com/

fb Page-                            https://www.facebook.com/fbcmd

Friday, February 3, 2012

Make executable jar in Linux

1. Put your .class files in a folder
2. create a file manifest.txt in that folder and type
Main-Class: ClassNameContainigMainMethod
this line inside that file and this line should end with a return{enter key}
3. then create a jar with this command{cd to go to above folder by terminal}
jar cvfm MyExecJar.jar manifest.txt *.class
4. make this jar executable by the command 
chmod +x MyExecJar.jar
Now you can double click to run this program/jar

Disable autoLogin in Linux Mint

Once I have felt to do this...
the file need to edited is
change the line
 AutomaticLoginEnable=true to AutomaticLoginEnable=false

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Middle mouse button Clicking through touchpad

Many of you know this but I still think this post can help 1 out of 100 or more.
So here we are. This info helps if you are using non-Mac systems means either Windows or Linux Os.
I am not doing any hack or configuration . I am just bringing the hidden things in light.
The middle click is generally located on "Top right Corner of your Touchpad".
To middle click just tap your finger on the top right corner of your touchpad.
Middle click helps you many ways, the famous uses are::
1. Opening a Link in new tab{almost all modern browsers supported}
2. paste a text selection  {Only in Linux}
3. Rest usage depends on Application.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Google science fair is back

Yes Google science fair is back. Registration is open from yesterday i.e. from 12th of Jan to 1st of April. This science fair is especially for age group 13 to 18. If you have got intelligent brother or sister make sure that they participate in it.
Here is the link of Google science fair

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

You have Downloaded it!!!

You must aware of pirates and piracy . There are the times when you download various stuffs from Torrent Site. You may be shocked that torrent is not used only for Illegal stuffs but also used for legal and good stuffs like downloading an ISO of various Linux Distros. Most of the stuffs  you download from a torrent site are generally on public trackers so if someone who knows your IP knows what are you are downloading ....This is not much difficult task. So beware next time what you download from a Torrent Site.. Here is Example site for you

And also see below ..this should show what you have downloaded recently{No sure Shot Guaranteed}