Monday, September 22, 2014

Game of Blogs - Team: Story6D- Chapter 8

This post is next story sequence(Chapter 8 - "Storm" ) of  "A night to remember" for our team "Story6D".

You can read previous sequence (chapter 7) by clicking here by Pushpa.

Tara sat with her eyes closed in a large cozy chair. Shekhar looked worried. He turned around, moved to sit closer to Tara.

“Is something wrong, my dear” he said putting his arms around her shoulder.

Off late, Tara and Shekhar had become distant, each engrossed in their own work. The work pressure kept Tara busy till late nights at ‘Happy Advertising’ while Shekhar too, was occupied in his freelancing writing assignments for host of websites and publication.

“Is this the same Cyrus who has poisoned your mind against me?” she said moving away his arm from her shoulder. She turned to face him. “How dare he spy on me? He has got a nerve to record my movements, to install a camera in my house. How the hell did he manage to sneak inside our house? And that too in my daughter’s room. How dare he accuse me of being a bad parent? You believed him? Did you really believe him? Her voice grew louder and was now a scream.

“Calm down Tara. Please listen to me. Look. We need to handle this thing together.”

Tara was in no mood to listen. Tears trickled down her cheeks.  There was tremor in her voice. Shekhar stared into the space not knowing how to console his wife.

“Mamma, can I wear this dress today?” said Roohi standing at the door of their room with her frilly frock held between her fingers, her head tilted for approval.
Tara looked at her through misty eyes.

“Dad, do you like my dress?” Roohi walked into the room and sat on her dad’s lap.

“Are you okay mamma? Why are your eyes so red?” she asked as she turned to face her.
“Just tired, my baby. Did you get any homework today?”

“I will do my homework later, I am hungry.”

“But you just had an ice cream.”

Roohi smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Mamma, you know we have a new uncle in the building. I forgot to tell you this before, but yesterday while I was playing with my friends in the building compound, he asked me my name. But don’t worry mom, I didn’t tell him my real name. I told him my doll’s name instead.”

“Who is he? Why did you talk to him? I have told you not to talk to strangers.” Tara was immediately concerned, rather more upset than concerned.

“Don’t you worry Mamma, I gave him no information about myself. I didn’t tell him the name of the school I study in, nor my teacher’s name, and not even the real name of my best friend.”

“Whom did he look like?”

Roohi pursed her lips, playing with her frills of her dress.

“Hmmn…I think he looked like ummph…Salma Khan, yes, Salman Khan, broad shoulders, dreamy eyes, and dressed up tip top, like some rich gentleman.”

“I don’t want you talking to strangers, you hear that?  Now go to your room and finish your homework.”

Roohi jumped off her father lap and hopped to the door. At the door she stood, turned to look back at her parents, with a smile on her lips and her hands on her hips, she said
“Oh yes, I remember one more thing mamma. He is our new neighbor and he said his name is Aryan.”

 Read the next part of story (Chapter 9) from here.

"Me and my team Story 6D, are participating in 'Game Of Blogs' at #CelebrateBlogging with us." 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Book review part1- Private India by Ashwin Sanghi

This is the first time I am writing review for any book. Since my early days I am fond of books no matter what genre. I read almost all kind of books. But I never let their review to be published. I have Geeta, quran ,chacha shades of grey(gave a try just because of hype :P).
But my favourite genre of books are autobiography, biography, comedy humour, science, computer, politics etc. I was/am never a fan of fiction especially murder, horror or mystery.
When I got this newsletter from #Blogadda that it will be autographed by the writer himself and book will be delivered to my place and coauthored by James Patterson then I thought why shouldn't I gave this genre a try. Last time I read such Nobel I was in 7th grade and due to torn cover I even don't know which book I read then.
It will be a new book and got more sense than my 7th grade :P.

The book was delivered on time nicely packed and autographed by Ashwin Sanghi. Thanks #Blogadda to make me feel privileged. Due to my busy scheduled days I read this book in slots.
By reading the first chapter I get involved in this book picturing all those scenes happening just before my eyes. From the very first chapter story get intense as there happened a murder in the posh area(hotel).but the real mystery was that purpose of murder is not found. In these intense moments the author still finds the humor coefficient- this is where I must have to salute the author for its creativeness. Story goes on and on and so is murders.
In all these happening what I appreciate from a reader point of view that the author also got authority of science- means teaching us valuable lessons of some real life investigations.
Being a technical person I always try to learn some science wherever I can extract. I must admit that this book increased my knowledge many folds.

The story revolves around the the various murders happening in Mumbai in a short span of time. These murders are connected by a pattern. Private India tries to find the pattern, motive,clues to reach out the murderer. In the process of investigation author has tried to explain every aspect of Mumbai life- from night life to Underworld,from human trafficking to prostitution,from forged begging to busy hectic life.

The main thrilling point of book is that the reader is completely clueless who can be murderer.
Ashwin has put many twists for suspects, it starts with Hair-dresser to mafia,fraud baba to doctor, singer to attorney general and last but not the least a private india's staff.

Although at some point of time book looses it grip but as soon as you are about to seem disinterested,
Ashwin gives a new twist. Overall this book by Ashwin and James Patterson is a nice thrill to enjoy.
Ashwin has really moved me to add a new genre to my interest . I will wait for Ashwin's next release.
I won't give you any spoilers here. My finals words would be - if you are a fan of fiction you must read this book.

Title: Private India
Author: Ashwin Sanghi | James Patterson
Publisher: Arrow Books
Page Count: 470
My Rating: 4.3/5 

It is available at Flipkart and Amazon.

Here is the cool trailor of the book

Note: This review is a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers.Participate now to get free books!