Saturday, November 29, 2014

book review part -2 : God is a Gamer

God is a Gamer no one denies that. No one knows what will be his next move. This is what Ravi Subramanian tried to put and he did pretty well. While reading God is a Gamer you will be never able to guess what is going to happen next. That makes God is a Gamer fun and exciting to read.
If you have read my previous review you may have noticed that I am not a fan of fiction but this fiction has lot of real facts that feel like you are part of the story.

For me this is not a fiction, it is a book that introduces various new and important terms in the fields of computer, internet, banking, social networking, gaming, drugs etc.

While reading the book, I used to often forget that whether I am reading a fiction or it happened or it is happening, there is always thin line differentiating between fiction and reality. This books takes away your breath in the ending sequence. You will be hardly able to guess who did what. This is beauty in the writing.

I would like to recommend this book to everyone whether he is fond of fiction or not. Everybody can get some great findings in it.

Let me introduce each new terminology you can get from God is a Gamer
Bitcoins: I am also a big fan of the concept of the Bitcoins. In India there are few people who know Bitcoins . I am following Bitcoins since its early days. Why didn't I blog about it I don't know. May be I am also afraid of its volatility. Earlier the value of Bitcoins are 50-60$ per Bitcoin and now it is close to 1000$per Bitcoin. I also remember remember the time when it dropped to around 800$ when some countries starting to ban Bitcoins. But regardless of all the idea is pretty cool and world is still searching for Santoshi NaKaMoto

Tor: I used to about Tor since my college days but never used for anything. Using Tor can be helpful if you know that the site you are going to visit is not trusted. It keeps you safe from revealing your personal data. I would also like to introduce for those also wants not to be tracked on Internet.

Dark Internet : if you don't surf Internet a lot you are not likely to know Dark Internet as well. In Dark Internet there is a whole new different world. And I would like to suggest to my reader that stay away from this dark matter. For consequences do the book itself.

Magic mushrooms : Do Google or read the book.

Hemlock : Do Google or better read the book.
This is the which made me a fan of fiction. The twists in the plot can make you say wow. How different stories inside this book binds make the reading fun.
The aspects of day to day life described in the book make it total real and details with aspects make you see like movie when you read this.
I was able to extract following extracts from the book.

  •  Introduction to Wikileaks
  • US diplomacy
  • Virtual currency
  • Email phishing
  • How to/not to get mugged in Brazil
  • Online anonymity
  • Online gaming industry
  • Love, passion and family values
  • Drug addiction
  • Malwares and IT security
  • Betrayal

These aspects make it worth a try. you will be learn many things.
For me it's a 4 out 5 in terms of rating. 1 point is due to my small range of reading in fiction.

Amazon Link