Saturday, December 27, 2014

How I got my first job

The day I joined my first company I used to think how I got this job. How someone residing in mehrauli got job in a company that was in a mall in noida. Getting the first job is always special. Before joining Nile I was a PHP fanatic for its simplicity and openness ( read open source ). But before going in further details I would like to say these are following key people helped me to get my first job.
I will start from start
  • Sandip Singh
  • Sunita singh
  • RK Singh
  • Myself
But the whole story took four years to get the job landed to me.
I think starting from end will help much than starting from start.So I will start from my interview.
  1. How I got the chance of interview: I was interviewed because I went to Nile for similar job two times and first time it took 4-5 hours and next time it took only 5 mins. And for your surprise my job was there to fix the internet/LAN connectivity in Oracle Linux, so first time it took 4 hours to figure out what is the problem and the next time I got the call from Nile for similar problem for other workstation , I already had a solution. So fixing the problem in a snap lead them to the query about me. Like what I do , what is my educational background etc etc. They asked me if I know Java, I simply said if I can make a good presentable major  college project in a month by learning PHP from scratch, I don't think java would be a problem. Then asked the expected package I said I want the same as I was getting from Syntel through college placement. I didn't ask higher just because the company seemed to be very small and I didn't want to loose the offer as there was no sign when I would get called by Syntel. Then I had been asked to join from tomorrow. [Day1- 1st Nov2011- went to fix the Linux first time, Day2- 2nd Nov2011- went to fix again , Day3- 3rd Nov2011- Joined Nile]
  2. How I got offer to fix the Oracle Linux:  Everybody in my college knows that I have sound knowledge of PC hardware as well as software so I was the person who used to go with them purchase new PC or laptop, so my Sandeep Bhaiya [Sandip Singh] also knew the fact. He was/is running a startup called Avigma technologies and he needed some laptops for the office. So he sent his father[RK Singh] along with me to Nehru Place for purchase of one or two laptops. After purchase of the laptop we went to a small shop for the checking of hardware if everything is fine or not. There I saw a person struggling with installation with RedHat. I couldn't resist myself to offer my help. As he was really struggling with the problem he accepted my help and he asked me what I do and what if I have to do the similar kind of job. I readily accepted the offer and shared the contacts as I was jobless that time with only one offer letter in Hand.  After two or three days I got a call from his colleague that I have to go somewhere(it was Nile in Noida) to fix this Oracle Linux Connectivity issue as somebody has already installed the OS , but he couldn't make it online. That's how I got the call to fix. 
  3. How I got to know Linux Better: I do get better at Linux just because I had a Linux and Networking training from Nettech. Why I mentioning Nettech here is also a part of story because we were only two guys from our college attending this training. Earlier 60% of guys from my class enrolled for this course but as soon as they got to know that they won't get certificate from IIM, all of the guys withdraw from training so did I . But while calling for withdrawal they insisted that  only certificates were absent from programme not the course so we had also reduced the course fee also. I got convinced as other option for me was doing a .NET training which I didn't want. So I agreed not to withdraw. And that time I was sure that I was going alone from my college to UIM Greater Noida. But I found Mr Ashish Joshi there. From that training I learnt a lot about Linux,Networking, Hacking , Phising, Virtualization etc. Beside all the learning I made three great friends from there. First is Mr Dynamic, Second is Bengali Babu and third is Ruchi. From my experience I would like to suggest everyone that if you get a chance to get training from Nettech don't miss it.