Saturday, December 27, 2014

How I got my first job

The day I joined my first company I used to think how I got this job. How someone residing in mehrauli got job in a company that was in a mall in noida. Getting the first job is always special. Before joining Nile I was a PHP fanatic for its simplicity and openness ( read open source ). But before going in further details I would like to say these are following key people helped me to get my first job.
I will start from start
  • Sandip Singh
  • Sunita singh
  • RK Singh
  • Myself
But the whole story took four years to get the job landed to me.
I think starting from end will help much than starting from start.So I will start from my interview.
  1. How I got the chance of interview: I was interviewed because I went to Nile for similar job two times and first time it took 4-5 hours and next time it took only 5 mins. And for your surprise my job was there to fix the internet/LAN connectivity in Oracle Linux, so first time it took 4 hours to figure out what is the problem and the next time I got the call from Nile for similar problem for other workstation , I already had a solution. So fixing the problem in a snap lead them to the query about me. Like what I do , what is my educational background etc etc. They asked me if I know Java, I simply said if I can make a good presentable major  college project in a month by learning PHP from scratch, I don't think java would be a problem. Then asked the expected package I said I want the same as I was getting from Syntel through college placement. I didn't ask higher just because the company seemed to be very small and I didn't want to loose the offer as there was no sign when I would get called by Syntel. Then I had been asked to join from tomorrow. [Day1- 1st Nov2011- went to fix the Linux first time, Day2- 2nd Nov2011- went to fix again , Day3- 3rd Nov2011- Joined Nile]
  2. How I got offer to fix the Oracle Linux:  Everybody in my college knows that I have sound knowledge of PC hardware as well as software so I was the person who used to go with them purchase new PC or laptop, so my Sandeep Bhaiya [Sandip Singh] also knew the fact. He was/is running a startup called Avigma technologies and he needed some laptops for the office. So he sent his father[RK Singh] along with me to Nehru Place for purchase of one or two laptops. After purchase of the laptop we went to a small shop for the checking of hardware if everything is fine or not. There I saw a person struggling with installation with RedHat. I couldn't resist myself to offer my help. As he was really struggling with the problem he accepted my help and he asked me what I do and what if I have to do the similar kind of job. I readily accepted the offer and shared the contacts as I was jobless that time with only one offer letter in Hand.  After two or three days I got a call from his colleague that I have to go somewhere(it was Nile in Noida) to fix this Oracle Linux Connectivity issue as somebody has already installed the OS , but he couldn't make it online. That's how I got the call to fix. 
  3. How I got to know Linux Better: I do get better at Linux just because I had a Linux and Networking training from Nettech. Why I mentioning Nettech here is also a part of story because we were only two guys from our college attending this training. Earlier 60% of guys from my class enrolled for this course but as soon as they got to know that they won't get certificate from IIM, all of the guys withdraw from training so did I . But while calling for withdrawal they insisted that  only certificates were absent from programme not the course so we had also reduced the course fee also. I got convinced as other option for me was doing a .NET training which I didn't want. So I agreed not to withdraw. And that time I was sure that I was going alone from my college to UIM Greater Noida. But I found Mr Ashish Joshi there. From that training I learnt a lot about Linux,Networking, Hacking , Phising, Virtualization etc. Beside all the learning I made three great friends from there. First is Mr Dynamic, Second is Bengali Babu and third is Ruchi. From my experience I would like to suggest everyone that if you get a chance to get training from Nettech don't miss it.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

book review part -2 : God is a Gamer

God is a Gamer no one denies that. No one knows what will be his next move. This is what Ravi Subramanian tried to put and he did pretty well. While reading God is a Gamer you will be never able to guess what is going to happen next. That makes God is a Gamer fun and exciting to read.
If you have read my previous review you may have noticed that I am not a fan of fiction but this fiction has lot of real facts that feel like you are part of the story.

For me this is not a fiction, it is a book that introduces various new and important terms in the fields of computer, internet, banking, social networking, gaming, drugs etc.

While reading the book, I used to often forget that whether I am reading a fiction or it happened or it is happening, there is always thin line differentiating between fiction and reality. This books takes away your breath in the ending sequence. You will be hardly able to guess who did what. This is beauty in the writing.

I would like to recommend this book to everyone whether he is fond of fiction or not. Everybody can get some great findings in it.

Let me introduce each new terminology you can get from God is a Gamer
Bitcoins: I am also a big fan of the concept of the Bitcoins. In India there are few people who know Bitcoins . I am following Bitcoins since its early days. Why didn't I blog about it I don't know. May be I am also afraid of its volatility. Earlier the value of Bitcoins are 50-60$ per Bitcoin and now it is close to 1000$per Bitcoin. I also remember remember the time when it dropped to around 800$ when some countries starting to ban Bitcoins. But regardless of all the idea is pretty cool and world is still searching for Santoshi NaKaMoto

Tor: I used to about Tor since my college days but never used for anything. Using Tor can be helpful if you know that the site you are going to visit is not trusted. It keeps you safe from revealing your personal data. I would also like to introduce for those also wants not to be tracked on Internet.

Dark Internet : if you don't surf Internet a lot you are not likely to know Dark Internet as well. In Dark Internet there is a whole new different world. And I would like to suggest to my reader that stay away from this dark matter. For consequences do the book itself.

Magic mushrooms : Do Google or read the book.

Hemlock : Do Google or better read the book.
This is the which made me a fan of fiction. The twists in the plot can make you say wow. How different stories inside this book binds make the reading fun.
The aspects of day to day life described in the book make it total real and details with aspects make you see like movie when you read this.
I was able to extract following extracts from the book.

  •  Introduction to Wikileaks
  • US diplomacy
  • Virtual currency
  • Email phishing
  • How to/not to get mugged in Brazil
  • Online anonymity
  • Online gaming industry
  • Love, passion and family values
  • Drug addiction
  • Malwares and IT security
  • Betrayal

These aspects make it worth a try. you will be learn many things.
For me it's a 4 out 5 in terms of rating. 1 point is due to my small range of reading in fiction.

Amazon Link 

Monday, October 20, 2014

How the game begun

I use to visit Blogadda very often just to see if there is any contest or event going on. That's how I came across Game of Blogs. I was excited to take part of it but somehow I missed to register. But then I got a reminder call from the Blogadda . thanks Blogadda. I registered immediately and got in the Game of Blogs.

Like all participants I was also eager to know what I have to go, what I have to write what will be the topic, etc etc. After few days a team of 10 people assigned for Game of Blogs in which I was also a part of.
As soon as I got the team n story details I decided to take immediate action on future plans and plot. Meanwhile I was thinking about the story I email to each teammates to collaborate and contribute as soon as possible . Out of 10 I got reply from 6 of them within few hours.
We crossed our first hurdle of mode of communication, for story discussion there was chain conference call in which each person will call another member till all join. And for further discussions we agreed to communicate via Whatsapp.
On the very first day we had a good conference call of 1 hour around 11 to 12 in which we almost decided our plot and we assigned the sequence of bloggers who will write first, second and so on.
In this discussion we decided to give each blogger freedom for the story board. He/she had to pick the story line from previous members and he was free to take the story according to his will.

So our teammates continue to write and post for the game of blogs. I would like to thank Mr Sneh for the team Co ordination as well as communication with Blogadda as well. Sneh was always there for any team member whether it's 7am or 1 am .

For our first round I like to thanks all the team members who took participation in the event. Due to all of the effort we made we successfully crossed the first hurdle and we entered the second round.  But due to personal obligations,certain team members finally decided to leave the contest and not to participate in second round but rest of the teammates didn't lose hope.
We got storyboard for the second round, this time we decided to change our strategy for the event. What we decided was to bind each and every blogger to plot ie starting and end point will be fixed before any post. Thus we decided a common plot and divided into 7 parts and assigned each part to a particular member.
In this way anyone was free to write at any point of time. In second round we got some new faces. Special thanks Blogadda and Sneh for the seamless effort.
After the second round we waited anxiously for the results and yes we got the results. We were 12 th from 30 entries. We just missed 2 positions to get into the third round.
But never mind, we learn a lot from this event. It made me and Sneh very good friends. Besides blogging we now share personal interests. This event taught us Co ordination between persons with different mindsets and interests. For us winning was not crucial, taking part till the end was.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

again no gharwaliDiwali

In our childhood diwali was very exciting and now it became some sort of tradition in which you repeat yourself doing same stuff again and again.
Lightning, decoration and crackers are replaced by exchange of diwali sweets(gitfs in case you want to make somebody extra happy - read bribing) .
When we were child I can easily remember in my hometown there was only exchanges of sweets not gifts. And these sweets were only part of the pooja offered to Goddess Laxmi by the commercial shops or home. There was no involvement of Haldiram or Bikano there.
Sasaram being a commercial hub of my district there were/are many shops from where we were excited to get sweets to my home as my father is very well known person due to our own school.
So my diwali or our family diwali always include offering pooja at two places home as well as school.
We are family of 4, mom dad and my younger brother. So we both brothers got two places to crack our crackers until we get know what exactly we were cracking. When I was 12 then I got to know these fireworks are very environment unfriendly so we both bros decided to celebrate it without crackers. Till date we are maintaining the same. There were two immediate advantage of stopping the use of firecracker, firstly environment is preserved and secondly we got to know the our traditional way of celebrating diwali with parents. Since then we both brothers celebrate it by making our house clean, lighting up candles and decorating and cleaning house with light bulbs.
We used to live in Kaccha house before we moved to concrete one . Diwali meant cleaning as well as painting our house with Calcium carbonate (choona) . Now a concrete house only needs cleaning as today's paints are very stubborn to fade.

Things get change once you move out from home. Now I used for go home every third or fourth year due to various conditions (read job). Being from Bihar we got two big festivals side by side one is Diwali and six days later Chhath. For us diwali is a public celebration and Chhath is family celebration. In the job it became pretty difficult to get the leaves for such long period, so most of the time Diwali is sacrificed for the Chhath. I would say I have got very sensible parents to understand my condition to let me complete my duties instead taking diwali leaves but somewhere deep down in their heart they want to celebrate diwali with us.
In today's fast pace life everything should be profitable that's why get only one day official leave for holi or diwali. My journey to hometown takes 15-18 hours to reach home. If you haven't planned your diwali leaves in advance forget to get the leaves on immediate basis.

Being from bihar and UP leads to another problem ie getting your tickets reserved during the season
. Tickets for diwali get booked within few hours of opening whether it's 2 month early or 3 months early for a train. Belonging to a small town like sasaram and living in a metro like delhi leaves only train as mode of transport, you get no planes, buses, autos. Once there I'd a waiting list in train you just keep your fingers crossed to get it at least RAC. Travelling time and suffering in booking ticket made me celebrate no ghar waali diwali.

Just missing again gharwaliDiwali .
Written for by heart.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Game of Blogs - Team: Story6D- Chapter 8

This post is next story sequence(Chapter 8 - "Storm" ) of  "A night to remember" for our team "Story6D".

You can read previous sequence (chapter 7) by clicking here by Pushpa.

Tara sat with her eyes closed in a large cozy chair. Shekhar looked worried. He turned around, moved to sit closer to Tara.

“Is something wrong, my dear” he said putting his arms around her shoulder.

Off late, Tara and Shekhar had become distant, each engrossed in their own work. The work pressure kept Tara busy till late nights at ‘Happy Advertising’ while Shekhar too, was occupied in his freelancing writing assignments for host of websites and publication.

“Is this the same Cyrus who has poisoned your mind against me?” she said moving away his arm from her shoulder. She turned to face him. “How dare he spy on me? He has got a nerve to record my movements, to install a camera in my house. How the hell did he manage to sneak inside our house? And that too in my daughter’s room. How dare he accuse me of being a bad parent? You believed him? Did you really believe him? Her voice grew louder and was now a scream.

“Calm down Tara. Please listen to me. Look. We need to handle this thing together.”

Tara was in no mood to listen. Tears trickled down her cheeks.  There was tremor in her voice. Shekhar stared into the space not knowing how to console his wife.

“Mamma, can I wear this dress today?” said Roohi standing at the door of their room with her frilly frock held between her fingers, her head tilted for approval.
Tara looked at her through misty eyes.

“Dad, do you like my dress?” Roohi walked into the room and sat on her dad’s lap.

“Are you okay mamma? Why are your eyes so red?” she asked as she turned to face her.
“Just tired, my baby. Did you get any homework today?”

“I will do my homework later, I am hungry.”

“But you just had an ice cream.”

Roohi smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Mamma, you know we have a new uncle in the building. I forgot to tell you this before, but yesterday while I was playing with my friends in the building compound, he asked me my name. But don’t worry mom, I didn’t tell him my real name. I told him my doll’s name instead.”

“Who is he? Why did you talk to him? I have told you not to talk to strangers.” Tara was immediately concerned, rather more upset than concerned.

“Don’t you worry Mamma, I gave him no information about myself. I didn’t tell him the name of the school I study in, nor my teacher’s name, and not even the real name of my best friend.”

“Whom did he look like?”

Roohi pursed her lips, playing with her frills of her dress.

“Hmmn…I think he looked like ummph…Salma Khan, yes, Salman Khan, broad shoulders, dreamy eyes, and dressed up tip top, like some rich gentleman.”

“I don’t want you talking to strangers, you hear that?  Now go to your room and finish your homework.”

Roohi jumped off her father lap and hopped to the door. At the door she stood, turned to look back at her parents, with a smile on her lips and her hands on her hips, she said
“Oh yes, I remember one more thing mamma. He is our new neighbor and he said his name is Aryan.”

 Read the next part of story (Chapter 9) from here.

"Me and my team Story 6D, are participating in 'Game Of Blogs' at #CelebrateBlogging with us." 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Book review part1- Private India by Ashwin Sanghi

This is the first time I am writing review for any book. Since my early days I am fond of books no matter what genre. I read almost all kind of books. But I never let their review to be published. I have Geeta, quran ,chacha shades of grey(gave a try just because of hype :P).
But my favourite genre of books are autobiography, biography, comedy humour, science, computer, politics etc. I was/am never a fan of fiction especially murder, horror or mystery.
When I got this newsletter from #Blogadda that it will be autographed by the writer himself and book will be delivered to my place and coauthored by James Patterson then I thought why shouldn't I gave this genre a try. Last time I read such Nobel I was in 7th grade and due to torn cover I even don't know which book I read then.
It will be a new book and got more sense than my 7th grade :P.

The book was delivered on time nicely packed and autographed by Ashwin Sanghi. Thanks #Blogadda to make me feel privileged. Due to my busy scheduled days I read this book in slots.
By reading the first chapter I get involved in this book picturing all those scenes happening just before my eyes. From the very first chapter story get intense as there happened a murder in the posh area(hotel).but the real mystery was that purpose of murder is not found. In these intense moments the author still finds the humor coefficient- this is where I must have to salute the author for its creativeness. Story goes on and on and so is murders.
In all these happening what I appreciate from a reader point of view that the author also got authority of science- means teaching us valuable lessons of some real life investigations.
Being a technical person I always try to learn some science wherever I can extract. I must admit that this book increased my knowledge many folds.

The story revolves around the the various murders happening in Mumbai in a short span of time. These murders are connected by a pattern. Private India tries to find the pattern, motive,clues to reach out the murderer. In the process of investigation author has tried to explain every aspect of Mumbai life- from night life to Underworld,from human trafficking to prostitution,from forged begging to busy hectic life.

The main thrilling point of book is that the reader is completely clueless who can be murderer.
Ashwin has put many twists for suspects, it starts with Hair-dresser to mafia,fraud baba to doctor, singer to attorney general and last but not the least a private india's staff.

Although at some point of time book looses it grip but as soon as you are about to seem disinterested,
Ashwin gives a new twist. Overall this book by Ashwin and James Patterson is a nice thrill to enjoy.
Ashwin has really moved me to add a new genre to my interest . I will wait for Ashwin's next release.
I won't give you any spoilers here. My finals words would be - if you are a fan of fiction you must read this book.

Title: Private India
Author: Ashwin Sanghi | James Patterson
Publisher: Arrow Books
Page Count: 470
My Rating: 4.3/5 

It is available at Flipkart and Amazon.

Here is the cool trailor of the book

Note: This review is a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers.Participate now to get free books! 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

setting path variable in RHEL 6 or OEL 6

If you want to set a path globally(i.e. for all users) then better to write a script in profile.d folder.
e.g. : I want to set java bin path in all user's path.

1. Create a file inside /etc/profile.d/ folder
2. include/add your java path in this file as
3. Logout from the session and login again to take effect.
4. Done

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dynamic sql table from dual

select DBMS_RANDOM.string('X', 15) FirstName,DBMS_RANDOM.string('A', 5) LastName, DBMS_RANDOM.string('U', 5) Email from dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 20

Friday, June 6, 2014

What is love

Kisi bhi do risto ko agar jode rakhne waali kuchh anmol vastu hai to wo hai- Prem. Prem parmatma hai. Prem ishwar hai. Prem ishwar ke prati asim aastha ka soochak hai. Prem khoobsoorti ka parichayak hai. Prem manavata ka parichayak hai. Prem khusi ki agadh anubhoti hai. Prem insaan ke ander aisi sakti ka sancharan karti hai jo ek insaan ke jeevan ke saare khataso ko pal bhar me samapt kar deti hai.
Prem ke sambandh me to ek baat sat pratisat satya hai ki isse jitna baanta jaaye, ye utna hi badhta hai. Iska swaroop utna hi vishal hota jaata hai jiske ander sampoorn manavata sameti jaa sakti hai. Prem ka aanchal itna bada hota hai jisme hum sampoorn jagat ko abhibhoot kar sakte hai. Prem hi jeevan hai. Prem hi jeevan ko disha deti hai. Prem ke aabhav me jeevan neeras hai. Jis jeevan me prem ka samavesh naa ho wo jeevan, jeevan se paripoorn nahi hai. Jaha jeevan hai waha prem ka hona laajmi hai.
Prem shabd ko samjhne ke liye Maa evam Santaan ka udaharan sabse satik baithta hai. Udaharan ke taur pe, agar maa ke chaar santaan hai to maa ka prem kisi ek santaan ke liye jaada or kisi dusre santaan ke liye kam nahi hota hai. Maa ki mamta or apne santaan ke prati prem sabke liye samaan hota hai. Jo dard or bhavnaaye bade santaan ke liye hota hai wohi prem or bhavnaaye dusre santaano ke prati bhi hota hai. Maa ke liye apne santaano me koi apriya nahi hota, maa ke liye sabi priya hote hai.
Prem ko simaaon me banndha nahi ja sakta. Ye simmaon, jaati, dharm sabse pare hota hai. Prem agaadh hota hai. Jis prakaar sagar ke jal astar ko nahi maapa jaa sakta usi prakaar hridaya pe vidyamaan prem ke star ko nahi maapa jaa sakta. Prem ke ander aisi sakti hoti hai jo har burai evam kathinaai pe jeet haasil kar leti hai. Insaan, jeev-jantu, ped-paudha ke prati prem pradarshan hi ishwar ki poojan evam vandan hai. Ishwar ke dwara nirmit har vastu se prem karna hi maanav jeevan ka lakshya evam prathmikata honi chahiye.
Antatogatva, Prem ke sambandh me maanavjaati se yahi aahvaan karna chahunga ki Jeevan me safal hona ho ya samaj me ekroopta laani hoya kisi ke dil me swayam ke liye sthan prapt karni ho to uska ek maatra saral upaaye yahi hai ki hume Prem karna sikhna hoga. Hume apne vyaktitva se nafrat, irshya evam krodh ko koso dur rakhna hoga kyuki ye saari chije Prem evam Parmatma ke sabse bade dushman hai. ye manavjaato ko patan ki or le jaati hai.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Go die Homo Sapiens

Yes you read it perfectly fine, to sustain the mother Earth Homo Sapiens needs to die and they need to die very soon. The Earth contains 9 millions of different species but only one species trying to behave as Earth is made only for them. And you know which species I am talking about. In my opinion Homo Sapiens have reached point of no return. Enough is enough, Homo Sapiens you need to die to save those 9 millions species. Earth is not your ancestor's property because you are not even the oldest creature .
Please watch the video below very carefully and to the full length.

These following links will help you understand better about current situation.
2. ,



15. Rock made of Plastic [See above ]-

16. New Study findings (Dark Ice)-[See above]

17. Mobile and radiations effects -[See above]

18. Earth Day: scientists say 75% of known fossil fuel reserves must stay in ground

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bhojpuri Idioms ,Proverbs and Phrases

  1. baap sher beta shawa sher
  2. ram hoyin ta ghar baithan dihan-hagat kabir paisa na lihan-story of jhoor
  3. chiraiyan k jaan jaala aa laika ka khelawanaa
  4. bhar pet khaa k chhiya chhhiya kar delan
  5. khaihan bheem ta hagahan arjun[jo udhar lega dega wahi]
  6. je gud khaayi wo kaan chhedayi
  7. jamte laekwa utarat bahuriya-jaun lat laagi u lagle rahi
  8. koela k dheri pe sona k badhawan-
  9. naya luga nau din lugari sab din
  10. naya dhobiniya aawe le lugariye sabun laawe le-[purane cheez pe naya investamnet]
  11. paisa na kauri bazaar kare chauri.
  12. Koeri k devta[keeping calm-silent]
  13. Mehto k dalaan
  14. Na nau mann gheev hoyi na  radha nachihan
  15. Supwa hasi ta hasi chalani ka hasi[look who is talking]
for more visit..

Monday, May 19, 2014

Open letter to Nitish Kumar

To be very frank I was always a fan of Nitish Kumar from the days he was rail minister of India in the NDA Govt. Even the electronic railway counter of Sasaram was inaugurated by him. So it was very obvious for me to like him . He  made three lane three parallel railway track from Mughalsarai to Dehri on Sone which always covers Sasaram. So I was very found of his visions. 

Then NDA Govt. fell but in the state elections he became our C.M. We knew that he will become one of  the famous CMs of all time, and he did no lesser, the second state election gave him clear verdict that every body likes him. He had done tremendous work in those 5 years . There is no denying of his hard work. Due to/during his reign Biharis got respect everywhere .But things changed very much in 2013. Modi was elected as PM candidate from BJP /NDA. Then our CM mr got this ideological conflict from BJP.Nothing was wrong boycotting Modi as he might be major reason for fight between Hindus n Muslims (our brothers) .

In my opinion what got Mr. Kumar wrong is that he broke long relationship to NDA in the name of secularism. Mr Kumar may be right that Modi is not that much secular. But the thing is -a friend's friend is a friend. So modi became your friend directly or indirectly. If he is not secular it's a friend duty to teach him the lesson of Unity and secularism. I will give you mine example. A very fast friend of mine used to tease and taunt girls. Once I listen these comments and got to know my friends reality, I gave him lessons and I got no complaints further  . So being in NDA you may have changed Mr Modi's mindset but you chose different path. And you decided to resign if Modi becomes PM. We love your visions don't leave the post which truly deserves you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Starting to haunt women initiative

Yes ladies,u just read right. I have decided to haunt you. I will follow you in your day to day paths,I will sit just beside you in metro,bus,train instead of having other vacant seats.
Now collect all your abuses and scream those to me .
Hope you feel Lil better after abusing me . Now you will say two things 
      1. Isme naya kya h or those who know will ask 
      2. Why this step?? And why now.

Let me start explain myself before you leave this blog. Actually recent incidents against women hurt me so badly to think about men n women. What I can do or what a woman can do or what a society should do?
First woman can do two things .
  • To teach their child how to respect women. This is very serious matter as I usually find women have a causal n usual disrespect against another women. Common things like the girls who hang out with boys other women consider those as bad girls without knowing anything. The list is long...Who goes to party , who drinks, who smokes, who comes late last but not the least who has a boy friend.I as a boy learn to respect any girl because I never heard my Mom complaining any girl over the above mentioned reasons. So I think respect for girls came naturally to me. 
  • Secondly and more importantly , never hide your harassment , fear or concern. It's a bad world for the weak ones, the more you hide the more things will get worse for you. Don't fear anybody and anything. If somebody is against you, remember that you yourself are sufficient for any resistance. We guys will follow you...lead the way Ladies!!!..
Ye to ho gayi from ladies to ladies waali baat , now what gentle man should do so that there is,no  harsh behaviours or harassment to ladies.
Here I want to make a single point that in most of the cases its not the bad guys that harasses a girl it's the good guy who stops protecting the girl.
So,the above one is the women part of does and don't s.. Now let us move to more serious part. The men part of role. When we hear Any news of women harassment we just ignore as this is not happening to our family. We care only about our family, we got zero attachment of a person belonging to another here I want to appeal to the good guys please make a protective cover to girls. There are very some simple steps you can follow to save some sisters and mother of others.
  1. Following the ladies path: whenever u find a single woman please follow her at max, follow more incase of you find other following her too. This may scare her in the way but at last she can reach the destination safely. 
  2. Standing side by side: this step should be followed by men in the buses, train n metro. many times men take advantage of crowd and harass women in the crowd. So let take a, pledge that good guys will create a crowd around women wherever whenever they can.

Monday, March 10, 2014

London, Dream Destination with My sister

London, A city where I enjoyed being independent for the very first time in my life.  It was my official trip of 6 weeks. These 6 weeks were full of mixed bag of emotions and feeling. I had amazing experience as well as I missed my family a lot more over my elder sister.  She is happily married since one year now.  Till the time I am still not habitual with the fact that she can’t be always available to confirm my choice while shopping or to share coffee and delicious experimented cuisines in different restaurants  or  to explore new places with me. These were the reasons which were responsible for missing her a lot. All these were the major part of my trip but all along with my colleagues. It’s not that I hadn’t enjoyed their company but it was really difficult for being single girl in the group.

Its’ my sister whom I want to be a part of my dream travel. I wish, I will have this trip to London along with my sister in future. As someone said “Good planning is half the Battle”. It’s better to plan for such to be a memorable holiday.
In planning a holiday or any other trip, financial decisions are one of the most important factors. We all want that our money should be utilized in the efficient manner.  Air travel tickets, hotel rent, food, local travel and shopping etc. come under financial decision.

 First, Air tickets took a major junk of all investments (i.e. to have beautiful memories.). SkyScanner is one of the best app or site to research for the available ticket's prices on your specified dates. I would I always prefer to get return flights book if your travel duration if fixed. You can opt for direct or indirect flights to you destination. 
 Second, it’s the Hotel to stay. It’s always best to book your hotel before arrival. I would prefer to stay at a calm place rather than in centre of London. There is a reason behind this, I will describe later. You can easily get a room in between 70 £ to 120 £ a day along with Wi-Fi connection and including breakfast. So it necessary to search well with the help of lord Google and to read reviews too.
Third, it’s travel charges. Hiring a taxi for airport transfer along with your air tickets is the thing which we must do. For traveling locally in London, You can buy and Oyster card which is similar as of our metro card but with some extra facilities. As this works for all 3 public transport available in London (Bus, Train and Tube).  I prefer to travel by buses as its weekly pass was cheap (around 19.60 £ as I remember) and it’s really a great fun to be seated on the first seat on the upper deck of the bus.  Though don’t just get stuck with the bus option, rather have map search on your mobile to find the routes and the approximate time to reach. For travelling in London, you just need is your list of places to visit and your smart phone along with the map search or navigation app

app and with the nice battery backup too. Else All can get little messy as we mobile generation feels choked sometimes without phones. J
Packing is also a big task for a trip. Before packing your bags made sure that you have checked the weight allowed for check-in luggage and cabin luggage in flights. And also keep a copy of your passport and the phone no and address of  Indian Embassy in London.   For travelling to London an umbrella is must. London’s weather is totally unpredictable. It could turn out to be a rainy day after a sunny morning or vice versa.  If you are on any medications, don’t forget to put you medicines along with you doctor’s prescription. As without prescription you may not be allowed to keep the medicines. You daily usage thing like your shaving kit, tooth brush and hair oil etc also should be a part of you packing.  I personally prefer to keep a needle and thread in bags, as it doesn’t made my luggage heavier and it could be a useful thing in any kind of wardrobe malfunction. Pack your clothes according to the weather. This is all you have to do.  And the most important thing is, don’t forget to leave some space for the shopping over there. J

Having fun, which is the main motive to have trip.  Just loosen up yourself to fly in the air and forgot everything to live those moments. If you wanna dance under the Big Ben on “London thumkda”, then go ahead. This is what I want to do with my darling sis on West Minister Bridge under ‘ghenti Big Ben di’. Go crazy have hundreds of the pictures clicked having your madness. Even after having an umbrella getting wet in the rain. After that waiting for you clothes to be dry along with a hot coffee sounds nice. Don’t be afraid of trying new cuisines, it the time to check out food and don’t forget to praise if you liked the food. Go shopping and don't even live a single place if you have days to cover them all. From London Eye to Buckingham palace, from Chessington world of Adventure to Hampton court, from Portsmouth beach to regent street's Hamleys(Toy shop  Established in 1760) and don't leave the natural History Museum and Science museum too.

Me And My Sister
All these are the part of my dream travel along with my sister.After marriage she is always busy with her household chores. Her time is dedicated to her new wonderful family. My Jiju(sister's husband) take cares of her a lot. I would like to have fun with her besides the London eye from morning to evening and to see the awesome view around from the top of it.  I wanna be a child again in sea Aquarium with her while watching the sea creatures. I wanna hold her hand tightly in London Dungeon.  I would like to click her funny photographs in Madame Tussaud, So that I can tease her later.  After all I am the younger one and I do have right to be naughty. Roaming around the Trafalgar Square and shopping at oxford and regent street would be awesome.  Even just watching the pigeons in front of Nation Gallery would be cool. I wish this will be executed soon and sisters will rock. :)


Monday, February 24, 2014

Sister Bond

Sometime it’s the distance which makes us apart from each other. Yes, Distance matters. The same thing happens with me and my elder sister after her marriage. She is happily married now since one year. To be very true, I was being brought up under my sister's shade, she was always there with me in any situation. And after her marriage it was really hard for me to accept that now I have to make my mind habitual with this.

There was a time when we were not bothered about where and when we should go. In few seconds we used to decide.. Yes we wanna have some fun time without thinking of the place to go. Whether it’s SN(Sarojini Nagar), Lajpat Nagar Market, Select city or just a walk to our nearby local shops. On every Saturday we always had an outing without even a single miss.  

After her marriage I got chance to travel to UK(London) for my official work for one and half month. I was excited to have a new experience. And as I had habit of sharing my almost every kind of experience with my sister, I wanted to have long chats with her. It was one of my amazing experiences. But after her marriage it got little difficult with the time. It’s been 3 months I returned back from UK but till now I didn't get chance to share my experience with her or to see pics together.

After marriage she is always busy with her household chores. Her time is dedicated to her new wonderful family. My Jiju(sister's husband) take cares of her a lot. But I miss her a lot. I missed her on my trip. There is no fun in shopping and visiting new places alone. I would like to have fun with her besides the London eye from morning to evening and to see the awesome view around from the top of it.  I wanna be a child again in sea Aquarium with her while watching the sea creatures. I wanna hold her hand tightly in London Dungeon.  I would like to click her funny photographs in Madame Tussaud, So that I can tease her later.  After all I am the younger one and I do have right to be naughty. Roaming around the Trafalgar Square and shopping at oxford and regent street would be awesome.  Even just watching the pigeons in front of Nation Gallery would be cool. 

I hardly got time to share my UK trip experience with her, but I would like to live those moments with her. I Love her a lot and she is the best sister in the world. It could seem to be very common words but for me, I mean it.  Your sibling is the first friend of yours chosen by god. I am blessed to have a best friend as my sister. Our most of the friends are common and I never released that I personally made a very few friends. I do have hands full of friends because of my sister today. After her marriage some misunderstanding came between us though we sorted those out. But we both miss those times when everything was even this much transparent between us, that if we used to receive each other's call, nobody got to know that he/she is talking to the wrong person. ;-)  I wish to cover the distance which came between us in one year.

Me and My sister on her marriage
One of the my sweet memories with my Sister

A trip together is a great idea to cover this distance.  I will surely Plan a trip together with her to Go further to get Closer.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Kya meri bhi Condition Serious hai??

 Before you start to answer my question, I just want to tell you that I don't think meri bhi #ConditionSeriousHai. But at the end of this entry I would like to know your views.
Here is the list usually jinki condition serious hoti hai 
  1. Parents
  2. Teachers
  3. Relatives
  4. Boss/Managers/TLs
But I am one of those lucky guy , who haven't encountered above 4 types of people in the serious condition.
But,wait  I am one of those unlucky guy, who got a close friend jiski #ConditionSeriousHai.
I won't take his name , but if my other college who will read this ,will get to know his name easily.
I studied in a govt Engineering college , due to this fact or by any other reason I may be not knowing, but i all know that going to class on time was not mandatory at all . So usually I used to sleep without alarm , so here comes his list opposite of me which shows his serious condition
  1. His daily ringing loud morning alarms
  2. Reaching classes daily on time[ even of 8:30 A.M.]
  3. Attending classes in which only 3-4 guys are attending
  4. Remembering call duration- like 5 min 18 sec
  5. Saying you are late by 13 min by ur said time
Where as prefer timing only when its kinda emergency like
  1.  Exams
  2. Medical Emergency
  3. Team meeting
  4. Client calls
  5. Deadlines
I wish my had a shot of 5 star over his Samsung Star 3g. :P

Friday, February 7, 2014

get the rows from table for maximum value of a column

select e.*
from table e
inner join (select column1,MAX(column2) v from table where column2='xxxxxx' and column4='yyyyy' group by column1) m
  on e.column1 = m.column1 and e.column2 = m. v ;

This can be useful for extracting data from table like
Name Salary Dept
User1 5000         IT
User2 10000 IT
User3 12000 Civil
User4 25500 Aviation
User5 16000 Civil

And the should be rows containing  highest salary in the Dept
User2 10000 IT
User5 16000 Civil
User4 25500 Aviation

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Attending my first Indiblogger meet

It was the first time I visited the indiblogger meet . It was quite a nice experience at The Oberoi. Especially the bar.
The things I liked at the meet is the new ideas for the apps.
The ideas which I think are best are as follows.
  1. Indian culture app.
  2. Organ donation app
  3. Potholes locator app
  4. Loo locator app.

I basically prefer the first one as it is the app which can preserve our culture and tradition. The idea is quite simple and innovative.the whole idea is that you select your location in the app and it will give you notification about upcoming events or festivals. The main thing is that you will also get to know that how the particular festival is celebrated.that means what u eat in the festival, what you wear in the festival, how you create decoration for that festival. On what logic the festival is celebrated.etc etc..
The development of this app can be easy as the description  of the festivals are already there in the wikipedia. We just have to create a notification with Calendar kind of app.which will be updated as per local festival celebration date.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Hacking whatspp chat i.e. msgstore.db.crypt file

Whatspp saves your chat history locally in a file labelled as msgstore.db.crypt. 
I tried once and after googling I succeeded to crack my own whatsapp chat history.
As I love linux the decryption was a breeze as openssl comes with linux preinstalled. I used the command
 openssl enc -d -aes-192-ecb -in msgstore.db.crypt -out msgstore.db.sqlite -K 346a23652a46392b4d73257c67317e352e3372482177652c
 And I opened the file msgstore.db.sqlite by installing sqliteman through synaptic.