Monday, January 26, 2015

Books in queue for the year 2015

I am always interested to read books of various genre. So here goes the list of books I read this year. Sequence here is not sequential.

  1. Annihilation of caste - BR Ambedkar
  2. Animal Farm - George Orwell
  3. 1984- George Orwell
  4. The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
  5. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
  6. Lajja -Taslima Nasrin
  7. How Sachin Destroyed my life - Vikram Sathaye
  8. Zero to One  - Peter Thiel
  9. Ramayana:The Game of Life-Book 2(Shattered Dreams)-Shubha Vilas
  10. In Defence of FoodMichael Pollan
  11. Thinking, Fast and SlowDaniel Kahneman 
  12. The CheckList Menifesto -  Atul Gawande 
  13. The BestSeller she wrote- Ravi Subramanian 
  14. Ashad ka Ek Din - Mohan Rakesh  
  15. Volga se Ganga - Rahul Sankrityayan  
  16. Banaras Talkies- Satya Vyas  
  17. Mrs FunnyBones - Twinkle Khanna 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Is Laundry a woman job

Woman & Laundry. It seems to be a normal combination. It’s not because both have the perfect relationship, its reason is that we are grown up to see this since our childhood. We have always asked our mom to do laundry favour for us. We never asked dad to clean our green shirt and our favourite jeans to wear it the next day. I agree, there are few men who do their laundry by themselves. But they wash their own clothes only and the family's clothes care should be taken by the woman in the home.

To clarify the fact that “we have not achieved the gender equality in this century for at least the laundry thing(though there are many things)". Search for images "woman washing clothes" . You will be bombard with n number of results. And now search for images of "man washing clothes". If you observe, there were more real life images in case of woman.  But in case of man, there are more pictures clicked for modeling or intentionally clicked to show.  

But when it comes to do the professional laundry men dominate. Similarly in the case of chef professionals. Why women do the laundry or more precisely why they are make to the laundry. From my opinion it is just of division of labour we made throughout our cultural progress. In the progress of society somehow men dominated and made women to do the household chores. When only men were earning money in the family, women became very much dependent on them. This reason made women more vulnerable to various household things. And laundry is one of them. A lot of damage is already done. Damage in the sense, it became more then a tradition and declared laundry as women's task without analyzing the current and past situations. Time is changing, so we have to think what we have to do and what not.Now washing machines are there to made it easier to do the laundry as well as good detergents too. Though washing clothes in washing machine also take effort.We women have to make men realize that it is not something that only we should take care, men also live in the same house so they have to play their part too.  

Some of the facts collected by a survey conducted by Ariel:-

Sometimes men just don't realize these things because they see it as a natural tradition as their mothers haven't asked them to do so. So the same men expects the same things from her wife regardless of her working status. We have to make them realize this thing to our husbands and our children too. If its tough for them to do the household chores after working whole day in office, same applies to a woman. For all the men who help their wives or mothers in household work, please share your experience and pleasure of sharing the work. This is the best way I can think we can break this traditional labeling. 

I am writing for #IsLaundryOnlyAWomansJob activity at in association with Ariel.