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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Book Review Part 7- Irrationally Passionate

The book “ Irrationally Passionatewas suggested to me by my favourite blogging community BlogAdda. When I searched for the author information, it came out to be “Jason Kothari”. I had no idea who is Jason Kothari and when I read about him, I felt that I should have known him earlier. When I read that Jason is turn around guy, this caught my attention as in my life I also inspire to an entrepreneur, turning around any business is tough, and here is a guy who turned Valient from Chapter 7 bankruptcy to a money making machine. That is when I decided to purchase this book and go ahead.

Without much expectation but I started to read the book. It never felt boring. The writing style of Jason Kothari is simple, elegant and impressive. His way of story telling is really great, it felt like Jason is a writer who has wrote many books.
You can take this book as either as a self help book or as an autobiography of Jason Kothari. In any of those way the intent and message of the book remains same.

Irrationally Passionate starts from the Jason’s childhood and his struggles in schools days.
Being Indian on a foreign soil can be really tough especially when you face bullying frequently. Let me quote a line from the book, “You’ll never know how fortunate you are to live in India, until you’ve been made to live elsewhere.” This line coming from a Wharton graduate should really make to think those Indian who always demean India and praise the western world. This book shows us the ground reality how Indians and especially average Indian is treated in schools as a kid.

In his childhood his parents encouraged him to take negotiations in life seriously and made him face his bullying by his own. Jason thanks his parents to give him such opportunities in the early ages which shaped him as a better and strong person afterwards.

As a teenage Jason, he was just like every teenager, who fights with parents and every words they say they think as wrong. Jason was similar but he got into his senses quickly. And started to improve. His improvements shows us that no matter how derailed we can be there is always a chance of turn around. His motivation, passion and dedication showed us again and again as that turnaround is possible. Take example of Valiant Comics. No one could have believed that two college kids can turnaround a company who has filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy and which is also facing IP issues. But here our Jason is who did the impossible and showed us the path. A highly recommended book from my side.

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